News on the Constitution:
From Dave’s Chile:
She Prefers Bad to Terrible!
Why Chile’s draft constitution reads like a U.S. conservative wish list
Chilean voters decisively reject leftist constitution
Viral video 'Abort Chile' sparks controversy days before vote on new constitution
Los votantes deben rechazar el nuevo proyecto de Constitución de Chile - Infob
Are the Chileans Ready for the New Constitution?
Convention finishes first draft of new Constitution
Replacing the Pinochet-era instrument
Results of Chile’s Constitution Delegate Elections
Today's Constitutional Convention Election: Basic Facts
Chile's Constitutional Convention
Chile's choice: Out with the old, in with the new? - BBC News
Chance to Scrap Pinochet’s Constitution - Reader Supported News
Rewriting the Chilean Constitution - Time Magazine

Other News:
200 Years of Bilateral Relationships
Chile ’76’ Movie Review: Domestic Unease That Twists Into Intrigue
Forensic study finds Chilean poet Pablo Neruda was poisoned
At least 24 dead as Chile battles out-of-control wildfires
Can Chile’s Young President Reimagine the Latin American Left?
Chile Mulling Moratorium on$5-billion Salmon Industry
Chile Wins Edelman Award for COVID 19 Response
Comments on Chilean Election from Prof. Sebastian Edwards (Spanish)
As the Peace Corps Turns 60 - Washington Post
A Note from Kenny Karem to the Group
Chile at the Barricades
Social Progress Deferred in Chile
Covid-19 caused Peace Corps evacuations
Chile paints dire picture of salmon supply chain
The World Ignores Chile’s Turmoil at its Peril
In Response to Covid-19, Peace Corps is Returning & Firing Volunteers
The Peace Corps Breaks Ties with China
Chile: A personal account of the Demonstrations of 2019
Chile’s protest street art: The writing is on the wall - From the BBC
CIA had “window” into major human rights abuses in South America
The Dramatic Fall of Chile as Latin America’s Neoliberal Role Model