Portland, OR - West Coast Peace Corps reunion Friday at KarlHolmes/Cathy Pettinari's: Cathy P, Karl Kindel, Karl H, Paul Cullingford, Julie Ostendorf, Steve Wilhelmi, Maureen Harvey, Angelyn Cunningham, Roger King, Don C, Jennifer Marshall, Jim Pettinari
Portland, OR - West Coast Peace Corps reunion at KarlHolmes/Cathy Pettinari's: Karl Holmes, Karl Kindel and Cathy Pettinari
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps Gathering--Karl Holmes smoking a pork shoulder and beef brisket.
Portland, OR - West Coast Peace Corps reunion Friday at KarlHolmes/Cathy Pettinari's: Jim Pettinari, Don Cunningham, Jennifer Marshall, Maureen Harvey, Roger King, Angelyn C, Julie Osterdorf,Cathy P, Karl Kindel, Steve Wilhelmi, Karl H, Paul Cullingford,
Portland, OR - West Coast Peace Corps reunion at KarlHolmes/Cathy Pettinari's: Roger King pouring pisco sours
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps Gathering--Cathy Pettinari, Karl Holmes, Angelyn Cunningham, Maureen Harvey Bulman, Roger King
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps Gathering--Carrol Kindel and the Buffet Table (see the Bonsai and Pisco Sours).
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps Gathering--Don Cunningham, Steve Wilhelmi, Julie Harvey Ostendorf, Jim Pettinari, Paul Cullingford
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps Gathering--Roger King and Carrol Kindel bringing the Empanadas
Portland, OR - West Coast Peace Corps reunion empanadas at KarlHolmes/Cathy Pettinari's: Paul Cullingford, Karl Kindel, Roger King, Don Cunningham, Steve Wilhelmi, Jim Pettinari
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps Gathering--Paul Cullingford, Angelyn Cunningham, MaureenHarvey Bulman, Julie Harvey Ostendorf, Karl Holmes, Roger King, Steve Wilhelmi, Don Cunningham
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps Gathering--Carrol Kindel, Jim Pettinari, Steve Wilhelmi, Paul Cullingford, Don Cunningham, Roger King, MaureenHarvey Bulman, Karl Holmes, Julie Harvey Ostendorf, Cathy Pettinari
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps Gathering--Don Cunningham, Steve Wilhelmi, Roger King, Jim Pettinari, Carrol Kindel, Paul Cullingford, Cathy Pettinari, Angelyn Cunningham, Julie Ostendorf, Marueen Harvey Bulman
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps Gathering--Maureen Harvey Bulman, Julie Harvey Ostendorf,Angelyn Cunningham, Cathy Pettinari
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps Gathering--Steve Wilhelmi, Don Cunningham, Jim Pettinari Roger King, Carrol Kindel, Paul Cullingford
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps Gathering--Smoked Pork and Brisket, Ensalada Chilena
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps Gathering--Smoked Pork and Brisket, Ensalada Chilena, Corn bread and Karl Holmes
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps Gathering--Smoked Pork and Brisket, Ensalada Chilena, Corn bread and Karl Holmes
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps Reunion
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps Gathering--Steve Wilhelmi, Jim Pettinari, Don Cunningham, Cathy Pettinari, Carrol Kindel, Roger King, Paul Cullingford, Julie Harvey Ostendorf
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps Gathering
Portland, OR - West Coast Peace Corps reunion dinner at KarlHolmes/Cathy Pettinari's: Jim Pettinari, Steve Wilhelmi, Paul Cullingford, Roger King, Karl Kindel, Angelyn C, Steve Wilhelmi, Julie Harvey Ostendorf
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps Gathering--Steve Wilhelmi, Don Cunningham, Carrol Kindel, Roger King, Paul Cullingford, Karl Holmes, Angleyn Cunningham, Cathy Pettinari, Maureen Harvey Bulman, Julie Harvey Ostendorf
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps Gathering--
Portland--Karl and Cathy's place (Stanton Street, Irvington)--Peace Corps Gathering--Our Hosts--Cathy Pettinari and Karl Holmes
Portland, OR - West Coast Peace Corps reunion dinner at KarlHolmes/Cathy Pettinari's: Jim Pettinari, Steve Wilhelmi, Don Cunningham, Paul Cullingford, Roger King, Karl Kindel, Angelyn C, Steve Wilhelmi, MaureenHarvey, Julie Harvey Ostendorf, Cathy P.
Portland, OR - West Coast Peace Corps reunion dinner at KarlHolmes/Cathy Pettinari's: Steve Wilhelmi, Jim Pettinari, Don Cunningham, Roger King, Paul Cullingford, Angelyn Cunningham
Portland, OR - West Coast Peace Corps reunion brunch at KarlHolmes/Cathy Pettinari's: Roger King, Jim Pettinari, Don Cunningham, Angelyn C., Cathy P., Karl H., Steve Wilhelmi, Karl Kindel, Paul Cullingford
Portland, OR - West Coast Peace Corps reunion brunch at KarlHolmes/Cathy Pettinari's:Don Cunningham, Roger King, Cathy P., Jim Pettinari, Angelyn C., Karl H., Paul Cullingford, Steve Wilhelmi, Karl Kindel.