2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Outside setup on Friday evening
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Roger King and Karl Holmes
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Maureen Harvey, Erik Overson, Roger King, Lanny Overson, Cathy Pettinari and Julie Harvey Ostendorf
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Erik Overson, Rob Waldron, Lanny Overson and Julie Harvey Ostendorf
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Rob Waldron, Julie Harvey Ostendorf and Steve Wilhelmi
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Steve Wilhelmi, Erik and Lanny Overson
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Roger King, Cathy Pettinari and Maureen Harvey
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Carrol Benner Kindel, Steve Wilhelmi, Julie Harvey Ostendorf, Roger King, Erik and Lanny Overson and Rob Waldron, Karl Holmes, Cathy Pettinari and Maureen Harvey
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Steve Wilhelmi, Julie Harvey Ostendorf and Carrol Kindel
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Cathy Pettinari, Maureen Harvey and Karl Holmes
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Empanadas! Carrol Kindel and Roger King
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Empanadas! Cathy Pettinari, Carrol Kindel, Roger King, Rob Waldron and Maureen Harvey
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Empanadas and Pisco Sours--Jennifer Marshall and Steve Wilhelmi
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Empanadas and Pisco Sours--Maureen Harvey and Carrol Kindel with Rob Waldron
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Empanadas and Pisco Sours--Rob Waldron
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--The Chef--Karl Holmes
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Dinner of smoked pork, smoked beef, ensalada chilena and wine in Cathy and Karl's back yard
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Dinner of smoked pork, smoked beef, ensalada chilena and wine in Cathy and Karl's back yard
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Lanny Overson, Rob Waldron and Roger King
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Empanadas and Pisco Sours--Jennifer Marshall, Steve Wilhelmi and Roger King (Empanada Maker)
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Empanadas and Pisco Sours--Erik Overson, Rob Waldron and Lanny Overson
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Empanadas and Pisco Sours--Carrol Benner Kindel and Rob Waldron
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Empanadas and Pisco Jennifer Marshall and Maureen Harvey
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Empanadas and Pisco Sours--Erik and Lanny Overson
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Empanadas and Pisco Sours--Karl Holmes, Karl Kindel and Rob Waldron
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--The smoked pork, smoked beef, ensalada chilena and Chilean wine
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--The smoked pork, smoked beef, ensalada chilena and wine with Roger King and Chef Karl Holmes
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Dinner of smoked pork, smoked beef, ensalada chilena and wine--Roger King, Erik and Lanny Overson and Steve Wilhelmi
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Dinner of smoked pork, smoked beef, ensalada chilena and wine--Julie Harvey Ostendorf, Cathy Pettinari, Jennifer Marshall and Maureen Harvey
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Dinner of smoked pork, smoked beef, ensalada chilena and wine--Carrol Benner Kindel, Rob Waldron and Chef Karl Holmes
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Dinner of smoked pork, smoked beef, ensalada chilena and Chlean wine--Rob Waldron, Chef Karl Holmes and Carrol Benner Kindel
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Karl Holmes, host and chef
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Rob Waldron
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Carrol Benner Kindel
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Jennifer Marshall
to2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Maureen Harvey
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Lanny Overson
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Erik Overson
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Steve Wilhelmi
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Roger King--Empanada and Pisco Sour maker
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Cathy Pettinari--Organizer and host
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Karl K. Kindel
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Brunch on Sunday--Julie Harvey Ostendorf and Carrol Benner Kindel
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Brunch on Sunday--Erik Overson, Karl Holmes and Lanny Overson
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Brunch on Sunday--Lanny Overson, Cathy Pettinari, Roger King, Carrol Benner Kindel and Jennifer Marshall
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Brunch on Sunday--Karl Holmes, Lanny Overson, Cathy Pettinari and Roger King
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Brunch on Sunday--Rob Waldron and Erik Overson
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Brunch on Sunday--Karl Holmes, Lanny Overson, Cathy Pettinari and Roger King
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Brunch on Sunday--Cathy Pettinari and Roger King
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Brunch on Sunday--Karl Holmes and Lanny Overson
2021 August Peace Corps Group Get-together in Portland Oregon--Cathy Pettinari, Karl Holmes, Karl K. Kindel, Carrol Benner Kindel and Roger King