Budapest 2015--Grand Synagogue
Budapest 2015--Grand Synagogue
Budapest--Grand Synagogue
Budapest--Grand Synagogue
Budapest--Grand Synagogue
Budapest--Grand Synagogue--Mass grave
Budapest--Grand Synagogue--Weeping Willow remembrance
Budapest--Grand Synagogue--Weeping Willow remembrance and memorial stained glass
Budapest 2015--Opera House
Budapest 2015--Opera House
Budapest--Opera House
Budapest--Opera House--From our seats
Budapest--Opera House--From our seats
Budapest--Opera House--From our seats
Budapest--Opera House--From our seats
Budapest--Opera House--Carrol in our seats
Budapest--Opera House--Ceiling
Budapest--Opera House--Between Acts
Budapest--Opera House--Between Acts
Budapest--Opera House--The main staircase
Budapest--Cafe Central, Carrol and Dobos Torte
Budapest--Cafe Ruswurm, Carrol and strudel
Budapest--New York Cafe
Budapest--New York Cafe
Budapest--Central Cafe--Carrol and Eric Kindel (and Karl)
Budapest--Carrol and our meals in Kogart Restaurant/Gallery
Budapest 2015--Castle Hill--Mathias Church
Budapest 2015--Castle Hill--Mathias Church
Budapest--Matias church with St. Stephen
Budapest--Matias church with St. Stephen
Budapest--St. Stephan's Church
Budapest--St. Stephan's Church--Altar
Budapest--St. Stephan's Church--Altar
Budapest--St. Stephan's Church--Dome
Budapest--St. Stephan's Church--Side Galleries
Budapest--St. Stephans Church