Llandudno--Beach with Orme (the high promontory)
Llandudno--Beachfront hotels
Llandudno--Beach, Grand Hotel
Llandudno--Beachfront hotel
Llandudno--Beach, Grand Hotel and Victorian Pier
Llandudno--Beachfront hotels
Llandudno--Looking from East beach to West Beach
Llandudno--Looking from East beach to West Beach
Llandudno--Beachfront hotels
Llandudno--Beachfront hotels
Llandudno--View from top of Orme, looking towards Conway
Llandudno--View from top of Orme, looking towards Llandudno
Llandudno--View from top of Orme, looking towards Llandudno
Llandudno--View from Orme, looking towards Llandudno and Conway
Llandudno--View from Orme, looking towards Irish Sea
Llandudno--View from Orme, looking towards Llandudno and Conway