Vilnius--Old Town--Gedimino Prospeckt--Bridge over the Neris River
Vilnius--Old Town--View from Uzupis
Vilnius--Old Town--View from Uzupis
Vilnius--Old Town--View from Uzupis (with Gediminas Tower)
Vilnius--Old Town--View from Uzupis (with Gediminas Tower)
Vilnius--Old Town--View from Gediminas Tower
Vilnius--Old Town--View from Gediminas Tower--City Center and the Neris River
Vilnius--Old Town--View from Gediminas Tower--St. Peter and Paul Church
Vilnius--Old Town--View from Gediminas Tower--Vilnius Cathedral
Vilnius--Old Town--View from Gediminas Tower--St. Peter and Paul Church
Vilnius--Old Town--View from Gediminas Tower--University
Vilnius--Old Town--View from Gediminas Tower
Vilnius--Old Town--View of city from Bastion--St. Peter and Paul Church
Vilnius--Old Town--View of city from Bastion with steeples
Vilnius--Old Town--View of city from Bastion with the Orthodox Church and St. Anna and the Bernadine Church with the Gediminas Tower in back
Vilnius--Old Town--Town Hall plaza
Vilnius--Old Town--Church of All Saints (oldest in Vilnius)a
Vilnius--Old Town--Entrance street
Vilnius--Old Town--Gates of Dawn--From outside
Vilnius--Old Town--View from Gates of Dawn towards City Hall Plaza
Vilnius--Old Town--Steeple of unrestored church on street towards Uzupis
Vilnius--Old Town--Uzupis--The Republic of...
Vilnius--Uzupis--The Guardian Angel of Uzupis
Vilnius--Uzupis--Down the main street
Vilnius--Old Town--LIterati Street, with poet plaques
Vilnius--Old Town--LIterati Street, with poet plaques
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Catherine Church
Vilnius--Old Town--Gedimino Prospeckt--Street Fair food
Vilnius--Old Town--Gedimino Prospeckt--Street Fair
ilnius--Old Town--Gedimino Prospeckt--Street Fair food
Vilnius--Old Town--Gedimino Prospeckt--Street Fair food
Vilnius--Old Town--Gedimino Prospeckt
Vilnius--Old Town--Gedimino Prospeckt--National Library
Vilnius--Old Town--Gedimino Prospeckt--Parliament Building
Vilnius--Old Town--Gedimino Prospeckt--Parliament Building and garden with map of Lithuania showing it in the 1500's on the pyramid
Vilnius--Old Town--Gedimino Prospeckt--Parliament Building and garden with map of Lithuania showing it in the 1300's on the pyramid
Vilnius--Old Town--Gedimino Prospeckt--Parliament Building--inner plaza
Vilnius--Old Town--Gedimino Prospeckt--Parliament Building
Vilnius--Old Town--Gedimino Prospeckt--Neris River
Vilnius--Old Town--City Hall by night
Vilnius--Old Town--Stiklu Gatve
Vilnius--Old Town--Stiklu Gatve
Vilnius--Old Town--Gedimino Prospekts--Main shopping street
Vilnius--Old Town--Gedimino Prospekts--Main shopping street
Vilnius--Old Town--Gedimino Prospekts--Main shopping street--National Theatre
Vilnius--Old Town--Gedimino Prospekts--Main shopping street--Looking towards Cathedral Square
Vilnius--Old Town--Gediminas Tower
Vilnius--Old Town--View from Gediminas Tower of rest of castleVilnius--Old Town--View from Gediminas Tower of rest of castle
ilnius--Old Town--Presidential Palace (he works on the right hand side)
ilnius--Old Town--Presidential Palace from the back
Vilnius--Old Town--Presidential Palace--Back plaza
Vilnius--Old Town--Courtyard near Presidential Palace
Vilnius--Old Town--Along Ignoto Street
Vilnius--Old Town--Ignoto Street looking toward St. Peter and Paul Church
Vilnius--Old Town--Stikliu Street view
Vilnius--Old Town--Balloons over City Hall Square
Vilnius--Old Town--Basilan Gate
Vilnius--Old Town--National Philharmonic Building
Vilnius--Old Town--Bastion of the City wall (reconstructed)
Vilnius--Old Town--Bastion of the City wall (reconstructed) showing original section
Vilnius--Old Town--View of Orthodox Church of the Holy Spirit from the city Bastion
Vilnius--Old Town--Casimir Church crown
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Anne's gothic church
Vilnius--Old Town--Unrestored church on street towards Uzupis
Vilnius--Old Town--Orthodox Church near Uzupis
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Michael's Church
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Michael's Church
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Catherine Church
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Catherine's Church by night
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Catherine's from Stiklu Gatve
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Catherine Church
Vilnius--Old Town--Gedimino Prospeckt--Orthodox Church--Our Lady of the Sign
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Piatpyatnickaya Orthodox Church
Vilnius--Old Town--Cathedral Square--Vilnius Cathedral and belfry (part of original Tower)
Vilnius--Old Town--Cathedral Square--Vilnius Cathedral and belfry (part of original Tower)
Vilnius--Old Town--Cathedral Square--Vilnius Cathedral--Interior
Vilnius--Old Town--Cathedral Square--Vilnius Cathedral--Interior--Side Chapel
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Peter and Paul Church-
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Peter and Paul Church--Interior
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Peter and Paul Church--Entry way
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Casimir Church
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Casimir Church--Interior--Altar
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Casimir Church--Organ
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Casimir Church
Vilnius--Old Town--Gates of Dawn--St. Teresas Chapel
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Teresa Church--Chapel with Icon in Gates of Dawn
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Teresa Church with Chapel behind
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Teresa Church--Interior
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Teresa Church--Organ
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Teresa Church--Chapel with Icon in Gates of Dawn--Detail of Icon
Vilnius--Old Town--St. Teresa Church--View from St. Teresa Chapel with Icon in Gates of Dawn, with St. Teresa Church